Donors, volunteers, partners, participants in our activities:

Whether you are concerned about the quality of care, interested in research or you’re an expert in prevention, you all contribute to the well-being of seniors by supporting the Foundation.

Stories of well-being

Discover the stories of people you have helped, and learn how others, just like you, generously give of their time or funds to the seniors’ cause.

FIGM: some numbers

$15 million since 2010. And almost $1.8 million in 2019 alone. That’s how much the Foundation has collected to support the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal through its fund-raising events, web campaigns, mailings and corporate donations.

Become a volunteer

Would you like to spend some time helping seniors age better? The Foundation is always happy to welcome new volunteers. You can work on some of our activities or join one of the committees of our Board of Directors.

Ways to give

We hope we’ve inspired you to provide funding to our seniors’ community! Learn about the many ways you can make a donation.